Tackle Modern Slavery in the Hospitality Sector

Modern slavery in the hospitality sector can include human trafficking, forced labour and sexual exploitation of those working in hotels, restaurants, travel companies and supply chains.

The Mekong Club works with hospitality businesses to create sustainable approaches to end modern slavery. Companies join our community to benefit from anti-slavery toolkits, consultations and support in developing ethical practices.

Join Our Community To End Modern Slavery

Work With Mekong Club to Make a Difference

  • 1

    Access to industry expertise and best practices

  • 2

    Collaborate with a global network of professionals

  • 3

    Reduce the risk of modern slavery in your business through training

  • 4

    Exceed ethical and sustainability targets

  • 5

    Become a leader in anti-slavery

Mekong Club Members


With many employees working behind the scenes as cleaners, kitchen porters and security guards, the hospitality industry is particularly at risk of modern slavery. Exploitation in hotels can be hidden from guests, and employees who are vulnerable to exploitation may not feel safe speaking out or leaving their jobs.

Find out how you score in your anti-slavery strategies against industry standards through our confidential self-assessment. 

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Hotels and event venues use third-party providers to make up some of their workforces. This helps businesses be flexible and scale their workforce up or down depending on service demand.

Contractors in the hospitality sector are often low-skilled, low-paid and the most vulnerable to exploitation. These individuals’ rights, such as sick leave, may not be mandated by law. With no option to work from home, many contractors work involuntarily or fall into debt bondage.

The Mekong Club has free tools and resources to help you address these challenges and exclusive tools for members.


  • The Mekong Club delivered an impactful presentation during our industry conference in Bangkok, raising awareness about modern slavery, particularly in relation to seafood in Asia. Following this, our organization, along with our affiliated group, joined the Mekong Club, gaining access to valuable support materials and multilingual training videos. The Club has aided us in evaluating our security policies, addressing social responsibility, trafficking indicators, and providing modern slavery training for our management teams. Additionally, they assisted in enhancing our Responsible Procurement Policy to ensure awareness across our global hotel product supply chains. The Mekong Club's contributions have extended to establishing a Hospitality Roundtable for 12,000 industry peers to exchange best practices, with our group actively participating in over 23 countries. In essence, their support has significantly bolstered awareness initiatives among our vast workforce spread across numerous countries and territories.

Protecting Workforces & Empowering Change: The Urgency of Addressing Modern Slavery

Tighter legislation and more ethical-conscious consumers mean that businesses should have modern slavery at the top of their agenda. With the risk of modern slavery so high, hospitality establishments may not be as ethical as they believe. 

You may already have some initiatives in place, or just starting your anti-slavery strategy. Wherever you are in your journey, Mekong Club can help. 

Actively seeking change to tackle modern slavery will benefit the people working for your business, and your brand.

Take a Stand: Start Preventing Modern Slavery

There are checks you can make when hiring agency workers to ensure that you follow legislation and that they are treated fairly. 

Make sure that everyone has a written contract of employment that outlines rights to sick pay, holiday pay and other benefits. Individuals shouldn’t have paid any fees to obtain work.

Check that staff can legally work in the UK and live at legitimate addresses. If multiple workers live at the same address, this can indicate that they are being exploited.

Conduct a background check of the agency offering labour. If their fees are surprisingly low, don’t ignore the alarm bells and seek another provider.

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  • How does modern slavery affect hospitality businesses?
  • How do you assess modern slavery?
  • How to bring modern slavery into the sustainability agenda for your business
  • How to spot victims of modern slavery in the hospitality sector
  • How much does it cost to become a member of the Mekong Club?
  • How often will I hear from the Mekong Club?