
Modern slavery reports are key

Reporting on your modern slavery efforts can win or lose business while strengthening your ESG reports. Discover a collaborative, expert, and innovative approach to ending forced labour together through our nonprofit business association.


Taking action on immediate challenges

You can’t risk your company’s reputation by sourcing on shaky ground. Now that modern slavery reporting requirements are in place, companies can no longer afford to ignore the risks and ramifications of modern slavery in their supply chains and networks. Ruining your reputation can have a ripple effect on your company’s profits, partners, market value and potentially hampering your entire business. 

Are you faced with the following challenge that holds you back from addressing modern slavery today?

  1. Vast and complex supply chains that are hard to manage.

Supply chains are always multi-tiered, with different sourcing and suppliers in various countries and industries, each with its specific challenges and modern slavery risks. How can I handle these complexities?

  1. Ever-changing modern slavery risks

Human traffickers and abusers are skilled at hiding modern slavery by switching tactics. Shifting geopolitical landscapes can also result in changing risks. Rather than reacting, how can I avoid modern slavery risks while sourcing in various countries?

  1. Inadequate organisational awareness of modern slavery.

My colleagues are unaware of the importance of investing in anti-slavery strategies and lack the necessary knowledge to implement them. And I’m afraid I’m not knowledgeable enough about modern slavery to inform them. How can I raise organisational awareness about modern slavery?

  1. Heightening international legislation and investor and consumer expectations for a slave-free brand

To conduct business in many of the world’s trade hubs and avoid supply chain disruption due to detention, comprehensive compliance with the Modern Slavery Act is critical. How can I ensure my compliance and reporting are effective?

  1. Costly and time-consuming responsible procurement and sourcing practices

How to implement a responsible procurement policy and factory audits that ensure supply chain sustainability and allow me to look beyond tier 1 in a time-saving way?

Achieve your slave-free vision with The Mekong Club


For an annual membership of 12,000 USD, you and every employee at your company will have access to a range of membership benefits: 

  1. Uncover where you’re at with your anti-modern slavery strategies in our baseline assessment when you join as a member. Our expert team will develop a tailored road mapping strategy to help you create a system to manage and prevent forced labour complexities in your supply chain.
  1. Become an insider on the latest modern slavery risk in various regions and sectors and best practices by joining our quarterly industry working group meetings, networking with like-minded professionals in our community and using our modern slavery toolkit.
  1. Amplify organisational awareness of modern slavery by incorporating our expert-built training and e-learning for your suppliers, senior management and factory employees.
  1. Learn how to ensure effective Modern Slavery Act compliance using our innovative tools to search laws at different country levels and optimise modern slavery statements.
  1. Improve your responsible procurement policies, procedures, and codes of conduct with our time-saving tools and service partners, which can detect modern slavery in various tier suppliers, and with our regular reviews to reinforce your zero tolerance for modern slavery.

And much more.

Mekong Club Members

[Please insert reel of all members gliding]

“Mekong Club’s use of digital tools and solutions to combat modern slavery certainly reflects how innovative and on the forefront the organization is in their approaches, which is so relevant nowadays. Their experience is unquestionable, so I wanted to highlight how it is the people of the Mekong Club that truly separates them from other organizations we have worked with in the field.” Multinational Shoe Retailer

“I met Matt Friedman [Mekong Club CEO] for the first time back in the year 2013. Working/managing in a global health and beauty retailer, we recognize the practical tools that The Mekong Club has equipped us with. These tools have provided a solid foundation to strengthen our anti-modern slavery strategies by adopting them within our standard training for new and existing employees. We also greatly appreciate all the efforts and support the Mekong Club team has provided us as part of their business association. We value the opportunity to participate in the quarterly stakeholder meetings that allow us toto engage with other brands on modern slavery confidently. Multinational Retailer

Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your business

Talk to one of our experts to see if the Mekong Club is right for you.