
Every 15 Seconds: Matt Friedman at TEDx
Matt Friedman reflects upon the breadth and range of human slavery in the world today and how we can...
TedX: Matt Friedman ‘Where Were You?’
Human trafficking is a global concern affecting millions of people. Many have horrific tales, whilst...
Freedom Collaborative: Turning to Technology to Support Safer Migration
In recent years, technology solutions have emerged to transform migrant worker protection. Innovativ...
Technology for Social Good: Giving Workers a Voice
Modern slavery affects virtually every supply chain in the world from fishing to manufacturing, to h...
Modern Slavery Statement Preparation Tool Webinar
The Mekong Club have launched their “Modern Slavery Statement Preparation Tool.” In this webinar, M...
A ConnectedGroup Webinar: Modern Slavery in the Organisational Supply Chain
In this session, our speakers will present on the subject of modern slavery and the challenges of so...
Matthew Friedman – The Horrific Realities Of Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking
This is a podcast about human trafficking and modern slavery.
The guest is Matthew Friedman, and he is the CEO of the Mekong Club, which is an organisation that mobilises the private sector to take action against human trafficking and modern slavery.
In this conversation, Matthew reveals unsettling story after unsettling story of human trafficking, modern slavery and scams. And in and among it all, he explains how it could be possible that today there are more slaves than has ever been before.
Matthew talks about pig butchering, the rise of online fraudsters and scam artists, the geography of slavery and human trafficking, what its like coming face to face with the criminal underworld around all this. His experiences advocating on behalf of victims and working with the UN to ultimately becoming disenfranchised to the point where he thought more good could be done in the private sector and much more as well.
Scam Rangers – The Plot Thickens: Human Trafficking and Scams
Who is the person behind a scam? Is it a criminal? Is it a victim? In this conversation with Matt Friedman, an Expert in Modern Slavery and the CEO of the Mekong Club, we will uncover the sad truth about the relationship between investment scams and human trafficking.
Assurance in Action: Fighting Modern Slavery with The Mekong Club
In part two of this episode of Assurance in Action, Silvia Mera, Program Director for The Mekong Club, speaks on the technological and strategic innovations that the Mekong Club and organisations globally are using to combat slavery. Silvia discusses the use of Artificial Intelligence, Block chain technology, and information sharing to more adequately prevent human trafficking and forced labour.
#Impact: Ending Modern Slavery with Matt Friedman
A former #impact guest that inspires us in how he tackles the Sustainable Development Goals is Matt Friedman, Founder of The Mekong Club, a Non-Profit organisation uniting and mobilising the private sector for a common cause — to disrupt and end modern slavery.
Role of ESG in Addressing Modern Slavery with Matt Friedman
People often ask, ‘Which companies are bad and shouldn’t be bought from?’ In reality, there is no way of determining that, across the board. Some companies getting called out doesn’t mean that others aren’t having issues. “ESG has that potential to introduce the baseline we’re all looking for,” says Matt Friedman
Moving The Needle: Eliminating the Scourge of Human Trafficking with Matt Friedman
Today, Mr. Friedman is CEO of The Mekong Club, an organization that is mobilizing the private sector in the fight against modern slavery. During our discussion, we spoke about the scale of slavery around the world, the role of global corporations and individual consumers, and Bill S-211: The Modern Slavery Act.
Matt Friedman on The Human Factor of ESG
In this episode of the Compliance Week 2022 Preview Podcasts series, Matt Friedman will discuss some of my presentations at Compliance Week 2022, "The Human Factor of ESG."
EP 33 – Matthew Friedman – CEO of The Mekong Club – Human Trafficking Was Not Even a Topic
The Social Innovation Podcast was honored to have Matthew Friedman, the CEO of The Mekong Club on the show. The Mekong Club is a catalyst for change, inspiring and engaging the private sector to lead in the fight against modern slavery.
Hidden Traffic: Fighting Against Modern Slavery with Matt Friedman
In the inaugural episode, Gwen speaks with Matt Friedman, a global expert on modern slavery and human trafficking and the founder and CEO of The Mekong Club. Matt regularly advises heads of governments and intelligence agencies. Matt is considered by captains of industry to be the leading catalyst of the anti-slavery movement in Asia's business sector. He shares how The Mekong Club helps companies protect themselves and avoid risk.
Episode 125: I’m not mad at them. They were bad people. But where were you?
Where were you? The name of the book and words spoken by an 11 year old abused and traumatized trafficking victim. Unlike Anne Frank who understood that people's hearts were still good, this victim that suffered horrific abuse is not questioning the actions of bad people. She understood that bad people did bad things. She asks the good people of the world a very poignant question: Where were you?
Episode 16: Matthew Friedman: Where Were You? A Profile of Modern Slavery
Matt is a leading, internationally renowned global expert on modern slavery and human trafficking with more than 35 years of experience. He is the CEO of The Mekong Club, an organization of Hong Kong’s leading businesses which have joined forces to help end all forms of modern slavery.